Alone we can do so little; together we can do so much.
— Helen Keller

Group LEGO® SERIOUS PLAY® for the workplace

A 6-week program using LSP as a form of group play therapy designed to help individuals cope with anxiety in the workplace

How can LEGO® Serious Play® (LSP) help workplace anxiety?
LSP is exceptionally well suited for group play therapy and this program combines cognitive behavioural therapy (CBT) and motivational interviewing techniques to help individuals cope with the symptoms and experiences of anxiety in the workplace and explore potential pathways to thrive. The LSP method helps individuals work through challenging psychological issues safely and creatively imagine a future that could be different from their current experience.
Please note this 6-week program is not a replacement for other forms of treatment and is meant to augment or support a treatment plan outlined by a mental health professional.

How does the program work?
Using the LSP method, participants build representative models of their values, beliefs and thought processes to help them better understand their anxiety. The program is designed to run for 90min once a week for six weeks, therefore a total of 9 hours over a 6 week period. This course is orientated for adults who are interested in learning skills and techniques to help them cope with anxiety.

Cost and availability
Contact me for further details and costing as this will vary by group.

This workshop can be delivered remotely. We offer this workshop via Zoom conference calls and participants can connect remotely with their teams or social groups.
Watch the video below for more information.

During these challenging times, we all need to stay connected.

LeanGo Workshop

A problem solving workshop utilising Lean A3 root cause identification and LEGO® Serious Play® metaphoric storytelling techniques to clearly understand and collectively solve problems

Why this workshop?
The workshop is uniquely designed to combine the proven problem solving methodologies of Lean and Lego® Serious Play®. Its effectiveness lies in the ability to see the waste and identify true root cause with Lean A3 Thinking and then harnessing the collective knowledge and experience in the room with Lego® Serious Play® metaphoric storytelling to build the optimal solution.

How long is the workshop?
Two day onsite workshop. Day 1 is designed to understand the actual problem and identify true root cause and Day 2 focusses on the generating and embedding the solution.

What is the cost?
$4000 inclusive of pre-workshop consultation, coaching to gather data and the two day workshop facilitation. A full report and report out is included in the total cost.

LEGO® Serious Play®
Team Building

A fun hands-on team building session with facilitated storytelling and reflection enabling group cohesion

Why is LEGO® Serious Play® (LSP) good for team building?
LSP is a facilitation method that fosters creative thinking to improve group communication and business performance. It is based on the belief that everyone can contribute to the discussion and the outcomes of those discussions. Common barriers of language and culture are irrelevant as participants can gain meaning of the world around them in a forum where everyone’s story is equally important and valued.

How long is the session?
A session is designed for three hours. It can be held onsite or a catered external event can be requested.
Catered event locations include in the CBD or at a wine farm in Yarra Valley, further details to be discussed at time of booking.

What is the cost?
Sessions run onsite at $100 per participant with a minimum of 10 participants.
If the session is to be held externally, additional venue hire and catering costs will be discussed at time of booking.